Millennials vs Gen Z’s: The Ideal House Design for Their Generation

What do they really look for in a house? When designing a home, we think of traditional, modern, minimalist, to name a few, for interior design style. With Millennials and Gen Z’s, they like to mix and match, and add a personal touch that make it distinct and unique. Apart from this, Millennials and Gen Z’s do have different concepts of their ideal house. Below we listed the different interior house...

Here are the 5 Benefits of Hiring a Realtor

Are you looking for a house and lot for sale but don’t know where to start? Why not ask a real estate agent? A real estate agent can speed up the house searching process and even do the hard work for you. The downside is, there’s a fee that you need to pay to avail of their services. However, no amount can equal the professional service you get from a well-equipped and trained realtor to help you with...

What’s a real estate agent and how do they earn commissions?

What is a real estate agent? A real estate agent is a professional individual who helps people buy and sell properties, these properties range from house and lots for sale, farm lots, luxury condominiums, commercial properties, and high-rise buildings. With their resources and contacts, they can find any property the client asks for. So, what does a real estate agent do? Depending on what the...

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